Nature is the starting point for my work. Shapes, structures, growth processes, the wind or a landscape, are at the origin of the work. The work process is intuitive, I develop series where I experiment with materials and shapes, seeking to communicate emotions, experiences, memories, which are materialized in clay.
Where the material is lost
It happens only rarely, but when it does I recognise it once it occurs. A “wow, it’s true!” strikes the analysis of the piece. The ceramic work of the artist Victor Mira provoked this with his piece Antihéroes, and it has been happening with the recent work of Juana Fernández. Expression, intention and plasticity are seamlessly integrated with the material used in her sculptures.
Clay is the medium through which, far from trying to capture that instant of the author’s energy, gesture, force, and drive, Fernandez is able to imbue us with the whole process of creation. We can see the fingers feeling the clay in small portions and, thus, the author lets us enjoy pieces that are thoughtful, intimate, and as close as the feel of our own skin.
The artist deceives the viewer. First she catches the viewer and brings them into the piece, then she contaminates it and explains it to them. That process produces a closeness to her work which is unusual. In some pieces it is an innocent naive attitude, sometimes achieved through colour, and sometimes through simplicity, but always with an intuitively calculated meter.
I invite you to immerse yourself in the poetry created by Juana Fernández. Put on some good music and walk, walk, walk around every detail of her work.
– Alberto Andrés
Juana Fernández Santamaría
Pobra do Caramiñal (A Coruña) 1961.
1991 | Ceramics initiation course (Lugo). |
1998 | Technical drawing applied to crafts course (AGA. A Coruña). |
2001 | Initiation course to the Contemporary art of the 20th century for handicraftsman imparted by Antonio Garrido Moreno (A Coruña). |
2008 | 10th International course of contemporary ceramics, imparted by Arcadi Blasco, Theodora Chorafas and Juán Granados (Pontevedra). |
2009 | 11th International course of contemporary ceramics, imparted by Rafa Pérez and Silvia Zotta (Pontevedra). |
2010 | International course of contemporary ceramics, imparted by Alberto Andrés. Fire tamers: Adolfo Giner and Joaquín Vidal. |
2011 | International course of contemporary ceramics, imparted Alberto Hernández, Xoan Viqueira and Javier Fanlo. |
2011 | Porcelain course in the Ceramics School of Muel (Zaragoza), imparted by Ana Felipe. |
2012 | International course of contemporary ceramics, imparted by Bai Ming and Txaro Marañón. |
2013 | International course of contemporary ceramics, imparted by María Bofill and Miguel Molet. |
2014 | International course of contemporary ceramics, imparted by Graciela Olio and Josep María Mariscal. |
Group exhibitions
1995 | Galician crafts and design in the Crafts and Design Center of Lugo. |
1996 | Workshops in the Culture Center of Oleiros (A Coruña). |
2004 | Crafts and Design 04 – 100 Proposals for the new Century (Itinerant). |
2009 | Galician-portuguese Bridges (Porto). |
2010 | Itinerant display LA PASTA. |
2010 | Contemporary Ceramics Display CERCO (Zaragoza). |
2011 | Contemporary Ceramics Display CERCO (Zaragoza). |
2011 | Artistic Ceramics Display of Aveiro (Portugal) |
2012 | Contemporary Ceramics Display CERCO (Zaragoza). |
2012 | Display CICA 2012 L’ALCORA (Castellón). |
2012 | 16th biennial of Ceramica d’Esplugues Angelina Alós. |
2013 | Display CICA 2013 L’ALCORA (Castellón). |
2013 | Contemporary Ceramics Display CERCO (Zaragoza). |
2014 | CERÁMIC SUITE (Portalea-Eibar-Guipúzcoa). |
2015 | CERÁMIC SUITE. Cangas Auditorium (Pontevedra). |
2015 | CERÁMIC SUITE. CENIMA Foz (Lugo) |
Individual exhibitions
2007 | Culture and Youth Center “ Raquel Fernández Soler” (Pobra do Caramiñal ). |
2007 | Social and Culture Center Fontiñas (Santiago de Compostela). |
2009 | Art gallery Vieira Portuense (Porto). |
2002 | 4th Crafts Contest “Antonio Fraguas” selling art pieces and remaining finalist in Contemporary Crafts section (A Coruña). |
2004 | 5th Crafts Contest “Antonio Fraguas” selling art pieces and remaining finalist in Contemporary Crafts section (A Coruña). |
2006 | 6th Crafts Contest “Antonio Fraguas” selling art pieces and remaining finalist in Contemporary Crafts section (A Coruña). |
2010 | CERCO-International Award of Contemporary Ceramics. Honorific Mention. |
2011 | CERCO-International Award of Contemporary Ceramics. |
2011 | International Biennial of Artistic Ceramics of Aveiro (Portugal). |
2012 | CERCO-International Award of Contemporary Ceramics. |
2012 | CICA International Ceramics Competition of L’ALCORA. |
2012 | 16th Biennial of Cerámica d’Esplugues Angelina Alós. Honorific Mention and Public Price. |
2013 | CICA International Ceramics Competition of L’ALCORA. |
2013 | CERCO-International Award of Contemporary Ceramics |
2013 | 19th Ceramics Competition of Valladolid City. 6th International Meeting. |
2015 | 7th Biennial of Ceramics City of TALAVERA (Toledo). |
2015 | 7th International Biennial of Ceramics MANISES 2015 (Valencia). |
2015 | 8th Biennial of Ceramics of El Vendrell (Tarragona). |
2016 | 18th Biennial of Ceramics of Esplugues Angelina Alós. Prize of the public. |
2017 | 13th International Biennial of Artistic Ceramics of Aveiro (Portugal). |
2019 | 14th International Biennial of Artistic Ceramics of Aveiro (Portugal). |
2021 | 15th International Biennial of Artistic Ceramics of Aveiro (Portugal). |
2008 | Collaboration with the Centro Galego de Arte Contemporáneo (CGAC) in the production of ceramic pieces for the french artist Guillaume Leblón. |